Well-being: October 2006 Archives

A new doggie bed?

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After we rescued Hobie, he slept in his crate. We figured that while he was adjusting to us, it was good for him to have something familiar where he could feel safe and retreat to when he got tired of us smothering him with hugs. A couple of months went by and it was time to upgrade him to a doggie bed. We found a suitable oval bed at the local pet store. There was nothing special about it - plain, simple, functional. The removable cover is starting to lose its shape, giving me a perfect excuse to start looking for a new one.

I saw these Bowser bed's and really liked the design. The donut design would be perfect for Hobie, as he loves to curl up against something when he sleeps - be it a wall or a chair leg.


Are there any doggie beds that you like and would recommend?

It's time for a haircut

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Hobie's fur suddenly grew a lot. Especially now that it's starting to rain more, it's not that much fun with a shaggy dog. Since Hobie gets to play a lot, he also gets dirty a lot, and we have to rinse off his paws almost every time he goes out.


The above picture is from nearby Alamo Square Park. The slightly darker color on the fur around his paws is not an optical illusion - it's dirt. Dirt that gets worked into the carpet, and dirt that gets left on top of our bed (that's where Hobie sleeps during the day).

We want to take him to a new groomer, because the place we've been taking him to, kind of botched the job last time. They managed to cut his ear, so it bled a little bit. Not a lot, but still. His eyebrows were also a little off. All in all, we were a little iffy. The people there were friendly, but that doesn't help much when they actually cause physical harm to Hobie.

We're going to try Kate's Cat and Dog Salon next.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Well-being category from October 2006.

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